Myths About Water Cleanup  

Whether they’re caused by burst pipes to major storms, floods are a major concern of home and business owners everywhere. In addition to the safety concern of your family and occupants, there’s also the worry about how bad the damage is going to be – and how much the repairs are going to cost. Although we hope that you never have to experience a flood, if your property is the victim of flood damage, please know that a lot of the anxiety you’ll experience is based on a big myth about water cleanup.  

Water Cleanup Myth #1: “It’s a Total Gut Job!” 

That’s a phrase you’ve probably heard a lot when it comes to water cleanup repairs (especially if you watch a lot of home remodeling shows). When you envision the aftermath of a flood, you probably see your cherished hardwood floors being torn up and tossed aside or the walls of your man cave being sledgehammered to smithereens. Sadly, that’s the most common method most contractors employ when they’re on a water cleanup job.  

Water Cleanup Myth #2: Rip And Remove Gets Rid Of All The Water And Mold 

Now that the buckled floors and wet walls have been replaced with brand new wood and drywall, there are no more worries about lingering problems or concerns like mold. Actually, that’s not the case. Just because the damaged floors and walls have been removed and replaced, doesn’t mean that all the water has been removed and the property is thoroughly dry.  

Unfortunately, the “rip and remove” mindset that believes demolition and replacement are the only solutions to flood damage is such a devastating disservice to property owners. But it doesn’t have to be. The reality is that in most cases, your water cleanup repairs and water restoration cleanup doesn’t have to be so drastic. 

The Reality: Dry It Up – Don’t Rip It Up! 

Instead of tapping into our ancient urge to smash walls with a sledgehammer, we utilize a more science-based water cleanup method. Our water damage remediation process employs an innovative, non-destructive drying technique that reduces the need for major demolition projects. While our competitors are busy making a list of all the wood, drywall, and fixtures we’ll need to order from the local home improvement center, our trained technicians use state-of-the-art equipment and calculations based on your property’s humidity, temperature, square footage, and moisture levels to determine the best approach to dry, revive and save your flood-damaged floors and walls. Since every water cleanup project is different, we developed this technique to properly and effectively dry each property based on its level of damage.  

Now that you know the truth about water cleanup projects, you can rest easy knowing that things are not always as bad as they seem. Scary people with myths may motivate some water cleanup contractors but not us. At FloodCo USA, we’d rather help save the existing structures than tear them down. Contact us today to learn more about how we help you during a water cleanup emergency. 

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