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Reasons To Have Your Dryer Vents Professionally Cleaned

Unlock Improved Dryer Performance, Lower Bills, Extended Appliance Life, and Reduced Fire Risk with Professional Dryer Vent Cleaning Services

A medium size washer and dryer surrounded by wooden shelves on commercial flooring

Cleaning your dryer’s lint trap after each load of laundry is second nature to you.

Before that next load goes in, it’s important to clean out the lint, pet hair, and other elements that cling to your clothes.

Yet, even though you clean the trap frequently, lint and other particles fall off of the lint tray whenever you remove it from the trap. Over time, those pieces of lint and debris accumulate in your dryer vent. If enough lint and debris accumulates in the vent, it could lead to issues with your appliance or something much worse: a fire.

To avoid these issues and emergencies, schedule a professional dryer vent cleaning from FloodCo USA!

Here are just a few reasons to rely on our dryer vent cleaning services!

Extends Appliance Life

When your dryer vent is clogged with lint and debris, it makes your dryer work harder. As more lint piles up, the dryer struggles to do its job. Eventually all of that extra wear and tear results in a broken dryer.

More often than not, fixing a broken down dryer is an expensive endeavor. If you don’t have a service contractor with a manufacturers or retailer, the repairs are rather costly,

Worse than that, the damage may be so excessive that the appliance is beyond repair and needs to be replaced.

Rather than face the choice of a major repair bill or the cost of a new appliance, you can keep your dryer properly maintained with regular dryer vent cleanings.

Scheduling a professional dryer vent cleaning each season, prevents excessive lint build up. This allows your appliance to operate without the worry of extra wear and tear.

Improves Dryer Performance (and Lowers Bills)

In addition to potentially leading to costly repairs or replacement, a clogged vent prevents your dryer from operating more effectively and efficiently.

Since the humid air can’t easily escape the blockage, it remains trapped in the dryer drum with your clothes. This leads to damp clothes that need another spin or two through the appliance so they can dry completely.

When you have to run the dryer multiple times to dry your clothes, that leads to a significant spike in your energy usage. Next thing you know, your monthly bill is substantially higher than usual.

By scheduling frequent dryer vent cleanings, your appliance can do its job better. That means your clothes are completely dried the first time – and your energy bill is much more manageable.

Reduces Risk Of Fire

While keeping your dryer optimally performing and limiting its need for repair are beneficial, there’s an even more important reason to have your dryer vent professionally cleaned: it helps reduce the risk of a fire.

Besides being a nuisance, lint is also extremely flammable. According to the current U.S. Fire Administration statistics, approximately 2,900 clothes dryer-related fires are reported each year. And of those dryer fires, approximately 34% are due to clogged vents.

Although cleaning the lint tray between uses helps curb lint build-up, it doesn’t stop it. The bits of lint and debris the lint tray doesn’t trap falls into the vent. And it doesn’t take long for those little bits and pieces to become a major clog.

Contacting a professional dryer vent cleaning service like FloodCo USA helps lower the risk of a clothes dryer-related fire in your household.

FloodCo USA Provides Professional Dryer Vent Cleaning Services

Having your dryer vent professionally cleaned has many benefits. Not only does it help prevent costly repair bills, it also helps your appliance’s performance. This in turn helps your clothes dry faster while lowering your energy bills.

Most of all, a professionally cleaned dryer vent helps reduce the risk of an emergency in your home.

FloodCo USA is pleased to provide professional dryer vent cleaning services for homes and commercial properties throughout North New Jersey and Manhattan.

Our experienced team has the specialized equipment to clean all of those hard-to-reach areas of your dryer vent to remove excessive lint and debris build-up. Doing so allows the air to flow easily from the appliance to the outdoors without issue.

Contact FloodCo USA to schedule our professional dry vent cleaning services for your home or business today!

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